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Ingen hendelser
Ingen hendelser
Padleklubben har i dag, i samarbeid med Adseo, startet utviklingen av nye nettsider. Disse forventes operative rundt årsskiftet.
Litt artig er det at de nye sidene utvikles i den gamle passasjerterminalen på Fornebu 🙂
Padleklubben er til stede på årets "Elvelangs i Fakkellys"
Akerselva Padleklubb var på kajakktur her idag å se Red Bull Cliff Diving finals live 💙
Watch the Final Round 4 from Oslo, NorwayA new adventure awaits the divers amongst the fjords as Norway hails the return of Red Bull Cliff Diving to… liten smakebit fra sommerens vakreste eventyr i APK.
"Kom og prøv" – kajakk for barn og unge ❤️
Vi er overveldet over til interessen for å prøve seg på Akerselva hos den oppvoksende generasjonen.
Da var sommerens nest siste kom og prøv for barn og unge igang i Olafiagangen 🥰
Grunnkurs kajakkpolo nesten gratis, fra Akerselva Padleklubb styremedlem Jon Anders, gjennom Oslo Kajakklubb 🛶
Endelig vær og vannføring for kajakkutlån fra Olafiagangen igjen ❤️
Vi i Akerselva Padleklubb tilbyr gratis kajakkurs for ungdommer 14+ og unge voksne uten inntekt under 30 år, fra Bydel Gamle Oslo 💙
Hver mandag, samt Introkurs havkajakk for vanlige betalende voksne (Norges Padleforbund Våttkort), les mer på og 🛶
…Vi kan også tilby kurs og turer for grupper (feks vi gjorde dette for Røde Kors, skoleklasser, Forandringens Hus, Kreftforening, Dysleksiforbund osv)
Bli med i APK Ung og ta kajakkurs og bli med på spennende og morsomme aktiviteter og turer. APK Ung er Akerselva Padleklubbs ungdomsmiljø hvor du…
apk.noNRK var på besøk på vårt kom og prøv-arrangement i Olafiagange i går.
Det korte klippet kan sees her 🌞
Kveldens siste nyheter med sport og vær.
tv.nrk.noI dag satte vi noe nær rekord i antall unger på kom og prøv i Akerselva Olafiagangen.
Et sted mellom 80 og 100 unger fikk sitt første møte med kajakk og vannaktivitet.
Dette må en bare bli stolt av ❤️
Da var vi i gang igjen med lørdagens vakreste eventyr på Akerselva
Barn og unge får sin første kajakk opplevelse på Akerselva under kyndig veiledning av vår fantastiske aktivitetsleder Patricia Kennie 🌞
Da er årets første kom og prøv for barn og unge igang
#olafiasommer #akerselvapadleklubb #grønland
Akerselva Padleklubb hadde idag introkurs havkajakk for Blinderen Videregående skoleklasse i norskopplæring 💙 flinke deltagere fra hele verden, og alle besto våttkortkurs 🙏🙌
The talk our board member and instructor/guide/course-coordinator Patricia Kennie held by request for the "Safer Cities Global Peer Review Webinar- inclusive governance and the role of civil society for safety cities" arranged by Habitat Norge
Akerselva Padleklubb: The Norwegian… paddling club for a safer more inclusive inner city and youth, Grønland, Oslo
Akerselva Padleklubb is a non-profit sports club for paddling-sports. It is Oslos newest paddling club only existing about 5 years and the only one downtown. It specializes in mainly kayaks but also SUP, canoes and row-boats. We paddle on the downtown river Akerselva, and have our main base there, as well as a dock further down the river at the fjord (munch museum). The club is funded by combination of very low membership fees, government grants to fund sports programs for youth, and some income from holding courses and renting out kayaks. It is run primarily by volunteer board members, and other tasks such as those unlocking the kayaks and administrative work or kids-activities, but also hires in professional instructors and guides.
Grønland Oslo is known throughout all of Norway and national news for having quite a crime problem, including youth gangs, stabbings, robberies, gang-violence, hard-drugs etc. Also a lower-income area and very multicultural, with a lot of foreign grocery stores and international restaurants. A beautiful river runs through it with green parks along, but often these parks are occupied by people using or selling heroin or other drugs, fighting, behaving aggressively and territorial, and a lot of throwing garbage around and hygienic issues from excrement from humans and rats and pigeons.
A lot of kids get recruited into gangs, drugs, crime because of many issues such as poverty, bad homelife, inclusion problems expecially when from international backgrounds. And a lot of adults are suffering as well, for example low income, sickness, etc. The club gives youth of any age as well as adults the opportunity to experience social support in an inclusive setting, and a feeling of belonging. Hopefully the youth will get “addicted” to kayaking instead of a downward spiral to a lifestyle of crime.
The club sponsors free courses and tours for youth, either contacting the club individually or groups such as other local sports clubs or school classes. Annual membership for youth and young-adults is only 100kr (10 euro or USD). Most Saturdays in summer is free trying out kayaks in the river at Grønland (even SUP and row-boats when possible), for all ages, families, kids, and parents. To give people something positive and healthy to do, being close to nature and mastering a new activity. Friluftsliv or nature-sports / water-sports in downtown Oslo.
Access to low-cost or free kayaking makes many people happy and strengthens public health. Closeness to nature as well as physical activity outdoors in sunlight is known to have a positive health-promoting effect, as well as the social-support aspect of the club members as well as external groups like school classes we have collaboration with.
We have collaboration with the local and regional government, both for funding and the politicians have even came to test paddling. We hope that we can have a permanent base and continue financing with government and other grants, to improve many lives especially for the youth to give them these opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t have.